Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Large Planter, 9/11, and News Crew Assignment Reminder

Today's item is sold in Treetop Gardens. If you didn't know, Treetop Gardens is in the upper part of Serepia Forest.
It is called the Large Planter! This item was sold sometime in late beta, I believe...I'm not quite sure when. One thing I miss about beta is how thing weren't expensive, now, prices are getting pretty steep...
Also, if you haven't noticed, it is 9/11 today. It was a time when a group of people rammed a plane into the Twin Towers in the United States. It as a horrible day....

Also, the News Crew Assignment entries are due tomorrow, so send those articles and screenshots in! 

Having a jamming good day!


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1. NEVER share your personal info. If I see this it will be deleted.
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Have a Jamtastic Day!

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