Saturday, September 15, 2012

Firefly Necklace

Todays new item is.... The Firefly neckalce in the Clothing Orb in Epic Wonders!

 Dang. I wish i was a member so I could by this >:\ It looks super awesome! Sorry for the late post. I was grounded for a few hours :D Also, be sure to use the new code discovery to get your 1,000 gems!!!


  1. I don't know how to post on the blog cause you never told me how. I've never been a author beofre so yea I don't know how. >.<

  2. And my username has a i instead of a e, so it's Kittins3 not Kittens3

  3. Ummm okay. I'll send you another administrator invite. If you get it then you can accept. If you don't, I'll send you an email with my blogger info :)


Hiya Jammers! Here are the rules of commenting.....
1. NEVER share your personal info. If I see this it will be deleted.
2. No inappropreiate language.
3.You may post your blog on here if you would like
4. NEVER EVER say anything offensive or you will be banned from commenting FOREVER!!!

Have a Jamtastic Day!

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