Saturday, September 29, 2012


Okay, I was just strolling around Coral Canyons minding my own bussiness when I saw this....

I won't show anymore because then it got really nasty X(
Please jammers, don't do this nonsense. It's inappropriate and gross. Please, just don't do this. Thats all I ask. It's really gross and theres little kids that play this game! Seriously guys, please use your heads and not turn AJ into an inappropriate game. Remember, about a year ago when Jammers made "Striped clubs"? Pretty nasty. I'm glas AJHQ took care of that. A lot of Jammers got suspended and banned for that. Heres a video on what they looked like if you guys have never seen one. It was very disturbing....
(Click the link)
Don't do that inappropriate stuff. You know whats going to happen? AJHQ will get so fed up with our nonsense that they will shut down Animaljam! I would be so upset if that happened. So please, stop it and just have a Jamming Time!
"I shall rule Animaljam Downpour until Halloween!"


  1. i know ppl are so sick sumtimes so plz jammers dont do this...or else aj will close down FOREVER!!!-cries at thought :( -
    ps.Cassiusclay2 plz show my blog on ur blog list its called:

    thnx :D cya all in jamaa

  2. i know ppl are so sick sumtimes so plz jammers dont do this...or else aj will close down FOREVER!!!-cries at thought :( -
    ps.Cassiusclay2 plz show my blog on ur blog list its called:

    thnx :D cya all in jamaa

  3. i know ppl are so sick sumtimes so plz jammers dont do this...or else aj will close down FOREVER!!!-cries at thought :( -
    ps.Cassiusclay2 plz show my blog on ur blog list its called:

    thnx :D cya all in jamaa


Hiya Jammers! Here are the rules of commenting.....
1. NEVER share your personal info. If I see this it will be deleted.
2. No inappropreiate language.
3.You may post your blog on here if you would like
4. NEVER EVER say anything offensive or you will be banned from commenting FOREVER!!!

Have a Jamtastic Day!

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