Sunday, November 25, 2012

Square Glasses

Todays strange new item is sold in Jam Mart Clothing. Square Glasses! Lets take a look.....

Now, I don't understand this at all. Square Glasses. I really don't get this. Okay, I'm done with not understanding stuff!
Lets also give a big shoutout to Lpiggy! Todays her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LPIGGY!!! As a gift from me, I gave her a blue bow and arrow. I WILL NOT do this for everyone. Only people that are special to me and I'm good friends with. I don't give away my rares often!!
Happy Birthday, Lpiggy!! :D


  1. Meep! Happy Birthday Lpiggy! :) By the way, Cassius, you spelt it "solF" instead of "solD" lol!



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