Monday, November 5, 2012


Hey Jammers! Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was kind of busy. Okay, so the new item is......

Rare Steampunk Goggles! It's Rare Monday so pick these up today!

Also, I've noticed kittins3 hasn't been posting on her blog lately. I hope she's okay and that she can post again soon!



  1. How is this "rare"? You can buy these in Jam Mart clothing on the second to last page!?!

  2. I Know! I can tell this item won't be popular!


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1. NEVER share your personal info. If I see this it will be deleted.
2. No inappropreiate language.
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4. NEVER EVER say anything offensive or you will be banned from commenting FOREVER!!!

Have a Jamtastic Day!

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