Friday, November 2, 2012


Hey jammers! I just met  ascammer today! And guess what, she scammed me! >:| For my orange mech angel wings. But I don't really care. They were on trade because I didn't want them anymore.

It's not a really good picture but heres the scammer, mahdibahson. Quite a mouthful! Okay, so well, I just want you guys to look out for her because she's tricky.
This is what she said: Oh Please! I really want this item so bad! All my friends have it! Please! I'll trade you so much rare stuff! -trades purple rare headdress, purple tiara, and 2 butterfly wings-
Ha! You just accepted my lousy trade! I got an item the nobody has anymore! Ha!
Me: Ummmm, I don't care...
Scammer: Oh well, bye!
So I went to her den and now she's on here! With the rest of the scammers I will soon post!
Oh yes! The new item! Okay here it is....
A Seasonal Tree! Amazingly Awesome! AJHQ could lower the price a little :D


  1. the tree is so culaboola!!! and ill b sure 2 report her 4 scamming! ;D

    p.s. Its meh DawnFox. i just after changing meh name! (:

  2. Hi, classiuslay. I hate to see you get scammed! I got scammed myself today, my beloved clover was porly scammed. I guessim just stupid.

    1. Your not stupid! Everybody gets scammed once and a while. Scammers can be really tricky.



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