Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Coral Necklace

Goooooooooooooooooood Morning! Hey Jammers! Cassiusclay2 with your daily Jamaa news report! Today in Bahari Bargains, we have sighted a new item! Lets take a look....

A Coral Necklace! Hmmm, members, underwater, not a big fan. It's a good thing I can win different color flower necklaces underwater on Skyhigh :D
Thats it today for Cassiusclay2's AnimaljamDownpour Daily News! Check back tomorrow! You won't regret it!


  1. i neva liked dem necklaces.
    it was nice c-ing u on aj literally 3mins ago.
    hope we can meet up on it agen soon it was cool and it wuz funny da way lpiggy was like:
    The DawnFox?!Wow!
    i neva thought any1 wood think i was dat cool :D
    c u guys soon in aj


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