Sunday, November 25, 2012


Hi jammers! I was being a reindeer on AJ today! I took a few pictures...

Here are the reindeer in the reindeer pen :) I'm the one with the pink sword. My name was Donner :D
 The wolf reindeer next to me is my cousin, missicylady!\
Heres the last picture of the reindeer gang! It was pretty fun and I hope do  to it again sometime soon!!!


  1. dats cool!
    o yea can u plz comment on my blog CC2 cuz sparkle568 stopped )_: < cryin face

  2. I put the signature on my blog! :) Please check it out.


Hiya Jammers! Here are the rules of commenting.....
1. NEVER share your personal info. If I see this it will be deleted.
2. No inappropreiate language.
3.You may post your blog on here if you would like
4. NEVER EVER say anything offensive or you will be banned from commenting FOREVER!!!

Have a Jamtastic Day!

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