Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Signature

Hey Jammers! Cassiusclay2 here! Want to see my new signature??

You like? Lol, I know it's just a cat but under it I'll write, Cassiusclay2 :D



  1. I love the signature, but I made you one... it's okay, though, if you don't want mine. :P

    1. Oops Piggy!!! Sorry!!! I want to see the signature you made me before I use my other one :D


    2. yah it does look like 1 i love their vids hey if u wanna see some funnie vids look up (on utube) crazy stickfigure randness

  2. It luks like the cat from one of Splash Kitty Artist's vids on Youtube (the top 1 i mean) LOL!!!

    look at my dogs blog it cool

  3. Isn't the top one from SplashKittyArtist's deviantArt?


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Have a Jamtastic Day!

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