Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hey non-phantom animaljammers! Today, I'm here to tell you a few tips on how to get to the top on the game Sky High!!

  • Relax, take a deep breath and sit back.
  • Ignore the phantoms, the clouds are your main focus, the phantoms mean nothing to you.
  • Don't care about the gems, don't take the risk of falling.
  • Distract yourself a little from the game, it can become stressful, hum a little tune.
  • Take the easiest route, don't attempt to jump on clouds farther away, that will increase your risk of falling.
  • Turn the volume up a little or plug in headphones, the music will help you hum a little tune and become more relaxed.
  • Just have fun! Everyone is a winner! Just try, try, try again!
  • If you become to frusterated, take a break for a while and maybe just stroll around Jamaa. Talk to a buddy and maybe play a little mini game!

Here are some of the prizes I got!

Nonmember Mech-Angel Wings!
Wasn't happy with this prize.
Wasn't happy with this one either.
Extremely Frusterated.
Remember, Animaljam isn't about rares. It's abotu having fun with your buddied, not get as much rares as possible! Have fun with the game, don't get stressed everytime you fall, I know you can do it!


  1. That's usually what I do. xD I've made it to the top before- but not since the update.


  2. I cant even get on the computer because my parents think its ruining the computer. I guess ill have to sneak on or get on our terrible laptop that take 15 min to start up than shuts down 30 min later. Awholenewworld.

    1. I hope you can get a couple rares! Animaljam is virus free. Maybe you should talk to your parents because my computer has not had a single virus and I play Animaljam everyday!
      I hope the tips helped!

  3. Hi! Thanks sooo much for the tips! :) I used to be REALLY good - hope I'm not bragging - at this game, but I don't know what's happened to it... :/ I've got a freedom hat, underwater lei and a turkey hat (blue).


    1. Your welcome! I recently got a red heart locket when i reached the top.Sometimes I do get cheap items like ties and purple capes!

  4. yo cassius plz buddy me my user is: coolio10234 and ive tried getting 2 the top b4 but i alwaus fail...i bet my bff can do it shes a brainiac LOL!!!


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Have a Jamtastic Day!

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