Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Mask

Hi Halloween Jammers! Todays new phantastic item is located in the Hot Cocoa Hut!

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
Also, Ducier's Party is tomorrow! Be sure to dress up in a spooky Halloween costume and go to her den TDH Time! Click Here to find out more information about her party! See you there!


  1. Erm wat time is TDH time like in irish time wat would tdh time be example: its 5:00 in ireland.wat time is it acording to duciers time?
    plz find out 4 me b4 its too late!! tnx

    1. ppoh and there is another new ting calld bat wallpaper. u can copy da pic off my blog if u want coz i aint aloud on aj agen 4 da rest of da day so is it ok if i copy ur pic tnx!

    2. Okay, So go to the daily Howl. To go there, just read through my post above and find where it says Click Here. Click that and it will take you to Ducier's blog. Do you see where it says TDH time on the sidebar? Thats Ducier's time zone. When it says the correct time of the party there, well, thats when you go to her den and have an awesomely spooky party! Hope to see you there!



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Have a Jamtastic Day!

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