Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Hello Jammers. So today, I came home crying from school. I have been rejected once again by my friends and even my own grandmother. My so-called friends called me the b-word, even though I didn't know what I did wrong, and told me to go kill myself.
My grandmother thinks my birthday isn't important enough and she wants to celebrate my sisters, not mine. I'm heartbroken. :*(
Please guys, don't bully. You don't deserve to be convinced that you are worthless. I know I am beautiful, no matter what anybody says. Don't let others bring you down. There are millions of people in the world, don't let ONE tell you your unimportant.

 I just want to thank Ducier, Dawnfox, Peace1001, Partyanimal623, Kinyonga, and so many more Jammers for being my friends. You guys are amazing and such geat friends. I don't care if I don't know you in real life. I know you on HERE. Thank you so much. Your the only friends that will actually talk to me, unlike my "friends" at school. Thank you again for being here for me. Please stop bullying. You don't deserve to be called worthless. I know that each and every one of you is perfect, just the way you are :)




  1. Meep!! Poor you.... And I totally agree... Meep! Why mention ME though? What did I do nice? Well, I don't know, but meep! :)


  2. Oh boy - I've had bullies trouble me at school too. Whatever you do, know that you're not alone. :D


  3. (Thanks for mentioning me). Your own grandmother? SERIOUSLY?! And your "friends"? SERIOUSLY? I think it's time you made some new friends....just sayin'....well, you always got me! :D and heck yes ur birthday is important! IT SHOULD BE A HOLIDAY!!! "NATIONAL CASSIE DAY" I CAN SEE IT!!!!


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Have a Jamtastic Day!

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