Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Heart Earmuffs

Hey Jammers! Todays new item is sold in the Hot Cocoa Hut in Mt Shiveer!!!

They look, whats the word, uncomfortable. They look hard and uncomfortable. I was hoping for heart lockets to come out......
Here is also pictures of the Friendship Party I recently attended....

I thought I had taken more pictures >:|

Also, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting that much. I have to wake up at 6:20 every morning, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed, brush my hair, AND take my dog out for a walk two times around my block. I then have to catch the bus at 7:30. My days are busy so please be patient :)



  1. Guess what??? Heart lockets are now being sold!!! :D

  2. U never post cc2!! I'm quitting this blog! It doesn't even help me!!!

    1. jeez sparky! leev her alone! its not her fault! CC2, i understand completely! i hav a dog too...bu i gav up on walking him in da mornin! lol
      i am woken at around 8:00am by my 3yo bro,hav breakfast till 8:20am get dressed, brush teeth & hair (my hair always gets in knots!) and then get coat on nd go to school. (and i feed my pets of course!)
      k, cya! it time 4 my music lessons! -is still in bed on phone & is annoyed cuz internet access keeps goin in & out of reach!-


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Have a Jamtastic Day!

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