Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Good Morning, Jammers! It's quite cold where I am today. Todays new item is sold in The Hatpalooza Booth in Sarepiea Forest. The Rare Wizard Hat!

So, you know how Football items have been coming out latley? That sort of annoys me a little because not every Jammer on Animaljam is American. Well, my prediction is that maybe, a football helmet will come out.. What do do you guys think?
Happy Jamming and be sure to check out my Music Video on the post below! I worked hard on it!! :)


  1. Your vid is cool! I liked it...until it froze XD
    but i hav a question. WhY DId YoU DelEte mE On AnImAL Jam? I am your friend am i not?

    1. I never deleted you... It's probably a glitch

    2. phew... i was getting worried that u might hate me 4 sumtin i did...


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1. NEVER share your personal info. If I see this it will be deleted.
2. No inappropreiate language.
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4. NEVER EVER say anything offensive or you will be banned from commenting FOREVER!!!

Have a Jamtastic Day!

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